You can configure the general, global, and feature-specific settings for your site in the Settings panel (the menu items contained in the Settings section) of the Orchard dashboard. This topic describes these site-level settings.

In the Settings panel in the dashboard, the settings are arranged into categories, including General, Gallery, Comments, Media, Users, and Cache.

General Settings

To access general settings, click Settings in the Settings panel. This opens the following screen:

Note The general settings screen also displays options that are specific to the features that are enabled for your site.

In the general settings category, you can modify the following global and site-wide settings:

  • Site Name. The name of your site, which is usually displayed by the applied theme.
  • Default Site Culture. The default culture for the site. You can also add culture codes here. For more information, see Creating Global-Ready Applications.
  • Page title separator. The character that is used to separate sections of a page title. For example, the default separator character for the en-US locale is a hyphen (-).
  • Super user. A user who has administrative capability on the site, regardless of configured roles. This is usually the user who ran the Orchard installation and setup. The default user is the admin account.
  • Resource Debug Mode. The mode that determines whether scripts and style sheets are loaded in a "debuggable" form or in their minimal form.
  • Default number of items per page. Determines the default number of items that are shown per page.
  • Base URL. The base URL for your site.
  • Maximum number of items per page. Determines the maximum number of items that are shown per page. Leave 0 for unlimited.
  • Default Time Zone. Determines the default time zone used when displaying and editing dates and times.
  • Default Site Calendar. Determines the default calendar used when displaying and editing dates and times. The 'Culture calendar' option means the default calendar for the culture of the current request will be used (not necessarily the configured default site culture).

To access settings for the gallery, click Gallery in the Settings panel. This opens the following screen:

In the gallery feed settings, you can add or delete a feed using the following settings:

  • Add Feed. Lets you specify the URL to a gallery feed.
  • Delete. Lets you remove an existing gallery feed.

For more information about how to add feeds to the gallery, see Registering Additional Gallery Feeds.

Comments Settings

To access settings for comments, click Comments in the Settings panel. This opens the following screen:

In the comments settings, you can enable or disable the following features:

  • Comments must be approved before they appear. Requires user comments to be approved by an administrator or moderator before they become visible on the site.
  • Automatically close comments after. Number of days after comments are automatically closed. Leave to 0 to have them always available.

For more information about how to work with comments, see Moderating Comments.

User Settings

To access user settings, click Users in the Settings panel. This opens the following screen:

In the user settings, you can enable or disable the following settings in order to customize user registration:

  • Users can create new accounts on the site. Configures the site to let users create a new account.
  • Display a link to enable users to reset their password. Provides users with a way to reset their password.
  • Users must verify their email address. Requires users to confirm their email address during registration.
  • Users must be approved before they can log in. Requires administrative approval of new accounts before users can log in.


To access caches settings like Default Cache Duration, Max Age, Vary Query String Parameters, Vary Request Headers and Ignored Urls.

Change History

  • Updates for Orchard 1.8
    • 9-8-14: Updated screen shots for dashboard settings. Added cache section.
  • Updates for Orchard 1.1
    • 3-29-11: Added sections for new screens in the dashboard. Updated existing screen shots.