Published: 5/11/2016

This release contains bug fixes and new features.

How to Install Orchard

To install Orchard using WebPI, follow these instructions: Web PI will detect your hardware environment and install the application.

Alternatively, to install the release manually, look for the release files on

The zip contents are pre-built and ready-to-run. Simply extract the contents of the Orchard folder from the zip contents to an IIS virtual directory (or site root) and then point your browser to the site. You can also just extract to a local folder and open the Orchard folder in Visual Studio or WebMatrix as a web site (but not as a web application). Please make sure you have a machine key or you may experience frequent disconnections.

What file to download?

You will find the files to download on our Github release page:

If you just want to use Orchard and don't care about the source code, is what you want to use, preferably through the WebPI instructions. Do not attempt to build the WebPI version in VS. Use the full source if you want to use VS.

If you want to take a look at the source code or want to be able to build the application in Visual Studio, is fine.

If you want to setup a development environment for patch or module development, you should clone the repository by following the instructions here:

Branches are described here:

Who should use this software?

This software is in version 1.10.1. The code is in a stable state and constitutes a solid foundation for building applications, themes and modules. Suggestions are welcome in the discussion forums.

You are allowed to use this software in any way that is compatible with the new BSD license. This includes commercial derivative work.

Breaking Changes

There are no known breaking changes as part of this release compared to 1.10.

What's new?

Orchard 1.10.1 fixes bugs and introduces the following notable changes and features:

  • [Feature] Loading tenants retries configuration
  • [Feature] Double clicking submit buttons is prevented by JavaScript
  • [Feature] Configurable Snippets
  • [Improvement] Using MarkdownSharp Nuget package
  • [Improvement] AliasUpdater was refreshed twice
  • [Improvement] AssemblyInfo files are correctly built now
  • [Bug] Unable to generate routes for Web APIs
  • [Bug] jQuery and other resources were incorrect
  • [Bug] Azure App Service crash when an exception is thrown from a [Shape] method
  • [Bug] Layout editing not working in Edge
  • [Bug] Azure Media Storage would not recognize its own urls

The full list of fixed bugs for this release can be found here:

How to upgrade from a previous version

You can find migration instructions here: